The European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA)
The united voice of music managers in Europe
We shape influential discussions on future of the industry, provide access to a professional international network of managers, and ongoing educational opportunities.
The European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA) provides a focused and representative point of contact to engage with professional music managers across Europe, enabling constructive dialogue with the industry and policy-makers. EMMA brings together music manager representative bodies from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK – with links to allied organisations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. In total, EMMA collectively represents over 2,000 managers across Europe, and another 600 worldwide.
Latest news
WEDNESDAY 11 DECEMBER 2024 The European Parliament is being urged to alleviate the financial burdens faced by touring musicians by overhauling and standardising the way in which “withholding tax” is applied by member states. The call is led by the European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA), the umbrella organisation for more than 3,000 music managers across…
EMMA Policy Priorities As of May 2024, the European Music Managers Alliance has identified the following items as crucial policy priorities. These priorities stand at the forefront of industry challenges affecting managers and artists, from immediate concerns to overarching issues that hinder the music ecosystem’s growth. It is imperative that the newly elected European Parliament…
Three areas of focus

Licensing and fair remuneration

Public Policy