EMMA, together with IMPALA, joins nearly 40 other European institutions calling for emergency structural policy for all sectors of the music industry at the EU, national, regional and local level to stave off the dire economic fallout caused by the current global pandemic. The entire music ecosystem is and will continue to be adversely affected at a time when we need culture more than ever! To read the full text, click here.

The COVID-19 situation is having a dramatic impact on the music industry and EMMA members have been heavily involved, both on the European as well as on national levels, in discussions with various stakeholders about concrete measures and necessary support from governments to prevent individuals and organizations in the sector (including artists, but also music managers) from financial collapse. 

We will keep you updated with the progress of these activities.

In the meantime we encourage you to check the following sources for more insights on the topic:

  • EMMA website: We have put together a summary of local activities in EMMA member countries. For more information please click here.
  • LIVE DMA: COVID-19 LIVE Music sector – REACTIONS, IMPACT & SUPPORT. For more information please go here
  • Spotify has announced a fund available for artists world-wide of USD 10 million. Find more information here
  • IMPALA’s Covid-19 Task Force has published a package of ten recommendations seeking urgent action at EU, national and sector level. The aim is to try and secure a coordinated approach across Europe to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on the independent music sector. For more information please go here